...og(test.name);//得到被继承的属性 //继续原型链继承 function Brother() {//brother构造 this.weight = 60; } Brother.prototype = new Child();//继续原型链继承 var brother = new Brother(); console.log(brother.name); console...
...a.org...下一个 兄弟子节点 let a = x.currentTarget; let brother = a.nextSibling; while (brother.nodeType === 3){ // brother.nodeType === 3说明brother还是回车或者文字或者空格,循环到他不是...
...unction(){ return this.greens; } // 定义外卖小哥这个对象 let brother = { buy: function(lunch){ leo.buy(lunch.getGreens()); } } // 定义我这个对象 let leo = { buy: function(greens){ co...
...age) // 10 得到被继承的属性 // 继续原型链继承 function Brother () { this.weight = 60; } Brother.prototype = new Child(); var peter = new Brother(); console.log(peter.name) //继承了Child和Parent,输出Parent con...
...例之间的关系。操作符instanceof和isPrototypeof()方法: alert(brother instanceof Object)//true alert(test instanceof Brother);//false,test 是brother的超类 alert(brother instanceof Child);//true alert(brother instanceo...
...responding kind. You need to distribute these candies equally in number to brother and sister. Return the maximum number of kinds of candies the sister could gain.Example 1:Input: candies = [1,1,2,...
... time: 1000, complete: function () { currentModule.brothers.style.opacity = 0.3; } }); } //返回事件 function initViewPoint() { currentModule.brothers.style.opacity...
... background: red; margin-bottom: 30px; } .brother{ width: 200px; height: 50px; background: blue; margin-top: 20px; ...
...不受影响。 var person1 = { name: Lucas, family: { brother: Eros } } Object.freeze(person1); person1.family.brother = Tim; person1.family.brother // Tim 终极实现 那么,如果我们想深层次冻结一个对象呢?思路和...
...不受影响。 var person1 = { name: Lucas, family: { brother: Eros } } Object.freeze(person1); person1.family.brother = Tim; person1.family.brother // Tim 终极实现 那么,如果我们想深层次冻结一个对象呢?思路和...
...ld this.$emit(add,good) //parent 2、兄弟之间 A组件 Brother B组件 Brother 父组件 3、袓孙之间(隔辈之间)传递 1.使用$attrs和$listeners实现袓孙组件之间数据传递 本质探...